
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Domestic Demon Has Struck

Apologies for my bad blogging, or lack thereof, but I have not had anything to blog about. My Creative Muse has taken an extended holiday and I have been bitten by the Domestic Demon.
After recovering from another bout of "bad back" after my gardening exploits, I had a rush of cleaning madness and to my horror found a small deceased furry thing in my kitchen. This lead to another long winded discussion about kitchen units and how eight years was a long time to have odd cupboards with no doors. A trip to the dreaded Bunnings saw us armed with boxes of flat packed kitchen units and doors. One weekend saw the replacement of one half on the kitchen, and then to my amazement Steve actually suggested that we keep going and get rid of the totally useless pantry I had and put in more deep draws and wall cupboards and a new bench top. Here is a picture of my much improved kitchen. Ok I still have gyprock walls and no cornice and the cupboards still need their handles, but I do have DOORS!! This is a huge improvement so you can only imagine what it was like before.

Knowing that we are going on holiday, I haven't gone mad planting in the veggie garden but have put in a few cabbages, spinach and shallots. They are all going along nicely and I am making a barrier around them with my coffee grinds to keep the slugs and snails away, rather than use bait.

I am currently doing a three week block at school teaching Art and Photography, which has made me spend some time experimenting with photoshop. Here is something I made from my gourd photo while teaching myself some of the functions that I needed to show the students. The possibilities are endless with this program and such fun, when it does what you want LOL.

We are driving up to Darwin next week for some fishing and relaxing, so this will be my last post until we get back. Hopefully my muse will return with me and that demon can stay up North as I have so much to catch up on.


Anonymous said...

have a great trip to Darwin. the weather should be lovely up there. the kitchen and the veggies look great. lucky you!

Wilma Simmons (Empress Wu Designs) said...

Wow Tracy , you have been busy . Everyhting looks great just in time for you to enjoy tour holiday in Darwin. I'll see you on Saturday - with the clay!

The WestCountryBuddha said...

If you find lots of creative energy could you bung some over my way please? I'm feeling much as you are I think. I should just sit down and get on with it but am becoming an expert in prevarication.


How's your garden coming on over the summer? I imagine lots of fresh veg and stuff to make me jealous!

Thinking of you
Carolyn x